Saturday, August 25, 2007

flux factory new york

and Kerry tells :

do you think I'm a monster?

i decided to have a top surgery
get off totaly my bigs boobs
surgery is a freedom
to build the body i want
1 i want to move
2 i want to run
3 i want to be androgenus

et Kerry dit:
penses tu que je suis un monstre?

j'ai decide d'enlever
totalement mes enormes seins
la chirurgie est une liberte
pour creer le corps
que je veux
1 je veux bouger
2 je veux courrir
3 je veux etre androgyne

Kerry had a surgery
cause she wants to move
and it makes me think
cause i hate surgery
but all i do
is about
1 moving
2 feeling free
and i want
to be androgynus

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